Disconnected Goatee

Disconnected Goatee

How to Grow and Maintain the Perfect Disconnected Goatee Shape

Growing a disconnected goatee doesn’t have to be complex or complicated. Here are the steps it takes to grow one out yourself.

1. Grow Out The Facial Hair

First, you must grow out the facial hair around the mouth to start the goatee. Later, we will trim out the unwanted areas, but it’s best to start with a complete look. That means growing the hair around your upper lip, sides of your mouth, and chin to at least half an inch or more in length. We recommend growing it a little past the final result you want to have so you have room to style it and trim it down. Take some beard supplements if you struggle to get the proper hair growth.

2. Trim The Hair

Next, you will want to trim the hair back a little. This does a couple of things. First, trimming the facial hair will help it grow more. Secondly, trimming the hair will give it a better appearance overall. Use a comb and scissors that you can find in any grooming kit. Brush the comb and only reveal the hair that you want to remove. Then use scissors or a beard trimmer to shave off the unwanted hair. If you’ve grown more hair than needed, say around your jawline or neck area, then now is an excellent time to remove it too.

3. Shave And Style

Finally, you must shave off the excess hair and style the goatee. Using a shaving lube and a professional razor, begin to shave your face. Start with warm water, lather up with the lube, and shave around the jawline, neck, and cheeks. Then you need to shave off the facial hair on the sides of the mouth to disconnect the goatee, so it doesn’t complete a full circle. You can be as generous as you’d like, but we suggest shaving off at least a quarter inch of hair or more.

Here are some of our favorite product recommendations to help you get the perfect disconnected goatee:

  • Beard Growth Supplements: All-natural ingredients boost hair growth and make your goatee luscious and full.
  • The Expert Grooming Kit: This kit has everything you need to style your disconnected goatee, including scissors, a razor, a comb, a beard brush, and a beard-shaping tool.
  • Shave Lube: Professional shave lube will give you a smooth and clean shave.
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